How to Grow Pink or Purple Cannabis Buds

Table of Contents

4 Different “Parts” That Can Turn Colors (Buds, Pistils, Leaves & Trichomes)

How to Maximize Color & Genetics

Examples of Colorful Strains

Why Do Leaves and Buds Turn Purple?


Would you like to grow colorful cannabis buds? You may have come across or seen marijuana buds that are pink, purple, red, orange or possibly even blue! But how do you grow colorful buds at home?

If you want to grow buds that are pink, red or purple, you must choose the right genetics!

Your cannabis plant needs to have purple genetics if you want the buds to turn purple

The tendency to turn colors is almost 100% determined by strain / genetics, so unfortunately, you can’t force any plant to produce colorful buds. However, you can purchase seeds of strains that naturally turn vibrant colors, and there are tricks to bring out the colors of your buds to maximize their genetics.

You simply cannot produce buds this purple without a strain that has been bred to makes purple buds. There are tricks to maximize the natural color of your genetics, but you have to start with good genes!

This Purple Thunderwreck cannabis buds is deep purple


4 Different “Parts” of Cannabis Can Become Colorful

When people are talking about “colorful” buds, most people imagine brightly colored buds in their hand. But there are actually different parts of buds that can display non-green colors, and sometimes people will lump all them all together. Each one is a little different from each other, and some have a big effect on what your final buds will look like, while others don’t make much difference.

Many different parts of a cannabis plant can turn purple, including the whole plant!

Crazy purple cannabis outdoors looks like an illusion

The parts of the plant that can become colorful are…

  • Pistils (Hairs) – some of the color remains after drying/curing
  • Calyxes (Buds Themselves) – very strong effect on final color
  • Leaves – relatively small effect on final bud color after trimming
  • Trichomes – small effect on final color

Buds are made up of different parts and are usually more than one color

Purple tinted cannabis buds with bright orange pistils/hairs

Colorful Pistils / Hairs 

Most growers want the buds themselves to appear colorful, so the color stays even after the buds are dried and cured.

There are two parts of the buds that can turn color. One part is the pistils/hairs that stick out. There are several strains where the pistils turn pink or purple. 

Sometimes just the pistils/hairs turn pink or purple, while the leaves and buds may still be green

These pink pistils showed up after this cannabis plant started getting cold nights

When buds are dried, they retain some of their pistil color but you will still be able to see the color coming through underneath.

Colorful Calyxes (Buds Themselves)

Calyxes are what make the buds themselves. Cannabis “buds” are actually made of hundreds of calyxes stacked on top of each other, and some or all of them may become colors other than green.  

This amazing picture show how the overall appearance of buds is changed by the ratio of colorful vs green calyxes

Nearly all Smooth Smoke buds (by Tropical Seeds) produce at least a few pink calyxes here and there, and some plants in the correct conditions can produce buds where almost every calyx is deep purple.

Calyxes are what give the most color to your buds. Even a few purple calyxes can give the buds an overall purple tint, and when you break open the buds there will be some pieces that are completely purple.

This nug contains several purple calyxes

Example of a somewhat purple bud in hand

After being ground up you can see the purple pieces distributed throughout. The greater percentage of the calyxes that are purple, the more vibrant your final bud color will be.

Example of purple buds after being ground up


Colorful Leaves – Sometimes It’s Not the Buds That Turn Color!

With some strains, the leaves may turn purple while the buds stay mostly green. This can make for absolutely gorgeous plants, but since leaves mostly get trimmed off after harvest, usually a lot of the purple will no longer be visible on the buds after the trimming process.

For some strains, the leaves may turn purple while the buds stay green. This often happens after the plant is exposed to chilly night temperatures (but not always). The leaves exposed to direct light are most likely to turn purple, while leaves in the shade often stay green.

Purple Girl Scout cookies - just the cannabis leaves in the light turned purple

Although the leaves have turned purple, the buds themselves are mostly green. 

Purple leaves on this cannabis bud will mostly be trimmed off, leaving a mostly green bud behind

Only the tops of buds exposed to direct light have any purple left after trimming off all the leaves. Nearly all the purple was trimmed away.

Most of the purple was trimmed away because the majority of purple came from the leaves

Why Do Cannabis Leaves Turn Purple?

Colorful Trichomes

In general, cannabis trichomes go from clear (not ready) to white (highest THC) to amber/yellow (more of a mellow effect) before they eventually wither and die. These color changes are often used to determine the best time to harvest cannabis. 

However, sometimes trichomes can turn purple or pink, making it difficult to know when to harvest. In that case, you want to also look at the pistils to determine best harvest time!

Purple or pink trichomes can make it tough to know when to harvest, but they’re exotic and beautiful! The color of trichomes may leave a slight tint on the buds after they’ve been dried and cured, but the bud color underneath will be the dominant color.

Example of cannabis trichomes turning purple

Now on to making purple buds at home!

How to Maximize Color and Genetics

Before you do anything else, you need to start with the right genetics. If the genes of your plant don’t make colorful buds, there’s nothing you can do! So, you must start with a colorful strain to get the best results with maximizing color.

Choose Strains with Brightly Colored Buds and Pistils If Possible – This maximizes the overall colorful appearance of your buds.

For maximum final effect on your dried and cured buds, you want to choose a strain where as many parts of the plant as possible are colorful. So ideally you want buds where the pistils and calyxes (which make up most of the final color) are both colorful. If the leaves and trichomes are also colorful, that will improve the effect even further.

In this case, the buds are purple but the pistils are orange. 

The bright purple becomes more muted as the cannabis buds are dried and cured

In order to maximize the final color, you want to choose a strain with brightly colored buds and pistils. For example, this bud has purple calyxes and mostly purple pistils. This makes the entire bud appear bright purple.

This bud is purple with mostly purple pistils, giving it an incredibly purple appearance!

Choose Deep Purple Buds for Maximum Color After Drying/Curing – Deeply colored buds (sometimes called “black” strains) tend to be the most vibrant after drying/curing.

In order to produce the most colorful buds, you need to make sure the color goes all the way through the buds, and ideally also through all the surrounding leaves. This is most likely to happen with very darkly colored buds. Buds that are more pale in color often lose a lot of their vibrancy in the post-harvest processing.

These buds were mostly pink at harvest, but the color doesn’t go all the way through the buds

Pink OG Kush plant right before harvest - all the buds look mostly pink

There was still a lot of green on the parts of the buds that didn’t get direct light

Pink OG Kush buds at harvest, just before being trimmed

After they’re trimmed and dried, the pink color has become more subtle

Pink OG Kush buds after being trimmed, dried and cured

You will “keep” the most color after drying/curing by choosing strains that are dark purple through and through, from buds to pistils to leaves if at all possible. Deeply colored buds keep more of their color after drying and curing than pale purple or pink buds.

These buds were deep purple at harvest

Deep purple buds on this Blue Dream marijuana plant

When buds are darkly colored, they tend to keep more color after being dried and trimmed

A dense purple cannabis nug - you can't produce marijuana like this unless you start with the right genetics

Note: Your buds will naturally lose some of their overall vibrancy and color during the drying/curing process (but not any of their potency!). That’s why you will likely never run into neon purple buds that have already been dried and cured for 2+ weeks. Even green buds go from being bright green to a more muted green color by the time they’ve been cured for a few weeks. When you see very brightly colored buds, it almost always means the buds are still relatively fresh.

Although color is determined primarily by genetics, there are a few things you can do to help your plant express its natural colors… 

Temperature – Some Strains Express Colors When the Night Temperature is a Few Degrees Cooler than the Day

If you’re growing a strain that turns color, some strains will only show their colors when night temperatures are at least a few degrees cooler than during the day in the flowering stage, especially towards the end. However, some plants don’t react to cool night temperatures and many strains (like Panama) nearly always turn color no matter what the temperature.

Certain strains like Querkle turn color more easily when the temperature is warm during the day as opposed to cool at night. So, it’s always a good idea to aim for nice warm days, and cool comfortable nights, because that contrast seems to help bring out colors for many strains.

How to Maximize Color with Temperature

  • Warm Days (75-80°F / 24-27°C)
  • Cool Comfortable Nights (65-70°F / 18-21°C)

Note: Some strains turn color no matter what the temperature. You can sometimes contact the breeder and ask if they have advice on how to bring out colors for a particular strain. I’ve found that most breeders will get back to you quickly if you go to their website and ask questions!

Temperature makes a difference! Some strains need a contrast between day/night temperatures for their buds to turn colors. For example the buds of this Auto Frisian Dew turned bright purple after it started getting below 70°F (21°C) temperatures at night.

This purple auto Frisian Dew may need cold night temperatures before the buds turn purple

Learn How to Control Temperature

Strong, Direct Light may help bring out colors

In some cases, a plant may produce purple tones in response to strong, direct light (on buds and leaves). Although we’re not certain exactly why, it’s possible this may act as a sort of sunscreen for the plant! The importance of light levels varies on a strain by strain basis.

Example of gorgeous cannabis plants growing under very bright HPS grow lights - the bright light levels can help bring out colors!


The pH at the Roots may have effect on cannabis bud color expression

Outside the cannabis world, there are a few species of plants with flowers that are known to turn different colors based on the pH at the roots

For example, the flowers of specific types of hydrangeas can turn blue in very acidic soil, but may turn pink if exposed to neutral or only slightly acidic soil (though this type of variation is rare in the plant world). 

Yet there have been occasional reports of cannabis strains which produce different bud colors based on the pH at the roots, though unfortunately more testing is needed!

If growing multiple plants of the same strain, you might consider giving plants different pH ranges to see what effect it has on the final bud color!

Learn more about how pH can affect cannabis color!

Example of a purple God Bud (strain) cannabis nug



Pictures and Examples of Colorful Strains

Here are some pictures of cannabis strains that sometimes grow colorful purple and pink buds.

Photoperiod (Regular) Strains

Frisian Dew

The next two pics are of the strain Frisian Dew, a popular strain by Dutch Passion that has been specifically designed for growing outdoors. It is extremely hardy, high yielding, and is also mold and pest resistant. About 50% of the time, Frisian Dew buds will turn bright purple instead of green!

The plant in the middle with the dark purple buds is Frisian Dew

Example of an outdoor Frisian Dew cannabis plant with dark purple buds


Purple Trainwreck

Purple Trainwreck buds are usually purple tinted, with purple leaves or pistils. 

This Purple Trainwreck plant is growing purple pistils

Example of a Purple Trainwreck cannabis plant showing purple pistils

For this Purple Trainwreck cola, it’s mostly just the leaves turning purple. In either case, the effects are the same!

Another example of a Purple Trainwreck cola - lots of hints of purple!

This Purple Trainwreck bud turned particularly purple

This Purple Trainwreck cannabis bud turned particularly purple


The following plants with pink pistils are from the strain Panama by Ace Seeds

This is what Panama buds may look like when they’re first growing in. 

beautiful pink pistil pic by trippergreenfeet

As the Panama buds develop, the pistils and even the buds themselves may intensify their pink color


Smooth Smoke

Smooth Smoke buds (by Tropical Seeds) can become quite colorful, with colors from hints of pink to deep purple!

Pink and Purple Smooth Smoke cannabis budAnother example of a Smooth Smoke cannabis bud that's become a vibrant pink purple


Auto-Flowering Strains

Auto Frisian Dew

Auto Frisian Dew by Dutch Passion (this is an auto-flowering version of the original famous marijuana strain) – Unlike the regular Frisian Dew which gets about 50% purple bud plants, the breeder claims only 10% of the plants from this strain produce purple buds, but some growers are getting far better odds than that. When purple does appear, the color is incredibly vibrant and spills out onto the nearby leaves!

Purple auto-flowering Frisian Dew marijuana plant

This Auto Frisian Dew plant got a little stunted at first, but still ended up producing beautiful purple buds!

Example of an auto-matic Frisian Dew Auto cannabis strain


Auto-Flowering Bloody Skunk

Auto Bloody Skunk by Sweet Seeds 


Auto-Flowering Dark Devil

Dark Devil Auto is another fabulous auto-flowering strain by Sweet Seeds that turns a gorgeous purple or even a deep red.

Example of the purple bud growing on an auto-flowering Dark Devil cannabis strain

This Dark Devil Auto bud turned completely purple from top to bottom

Dark Devil autoflowering cannabis strain by Sweet Seeds makes beautiful purple buds

Purple Kush Auto

Very deep color on Purple Kush Auto plants! The buds turn almost black after being dried!

Purple Kush Auto - a picture of the live plant, and then a picture of the main bud hanging upside down to dry
pics by kingkola1

Colorful “Duck” Strains (Stealth Leaves)

The “duck” strains are characterized by their oddly shaped leaves. The idea is that the plants look less like cannabis with 3-finger leaves. The bright colored buds also help make them look less like cannabis.

Frisian Duck

One of the most popular variations of the Ducksfoot (Ducksfeet?) strains is called Frisian Duck by Dutch Passion. This strain thrives outdoors and grows with the traditional stealthy leaves. This strain also often makes bright, beautiful purple buds (with cold enough temperatures) that have a fresh scent that is sometimes even a little fruity.

Frisian Duck plants react really well to growing in a living soil that’s been composted and amended with slow release organic ingredients.

This is a Frisian Duck plant in the vegetative stage

Frisian Duck in the vegetative stage

This Frisian Duck plant was grown outdoors in a greenhouse. More than half of Frisian Duck plants grow bright purple buds!

Frisian Duck plant with purple budsA closeup of a Frisian Duck bud

Frisian Duck is based on the famous Frisian Dew strain which also produces purple buds and has been bred for generations specifically for growing outdoors. The Frisian genes thrive under sunlight, and buds are resistant to bugs and mold!

This Frisian Duck plant is just about ready to harvest!

Frisian Duck plant with dark purple buds in the cannabis flowering stageA closeup of a deep purple, beautiful Frisian Duck bud

However, even with stealthy strains, be aware that they still smell like cannabis in the budding stage! 


Why Do Cannabis Leaves and Buds Turn Purple?

Sometimes you’ll see purple leaves because of a nutrient deficiency, but oftentimes purple leaves are actually caused by natural plant processes!

There are many species of plants that make purple leaves. The leaves appear purple due to high levels of a purple pigment called anthocyanin. Anthocyanin may act as a sunscreen for plant leaves because it protects against damage caused by UV-B rays. Anthocyanin is also known to help protect against cold or heat stress on the cellular level.

It’s not just cannabis plants that grow purple leaves. Here’s an example of a False Shamrock plant, which has glorious purple leaves from top to bottom!

Purple shamrock plants have purple leaves

With some cannabis strains, the leaves may turn purple while the buds stay green. Just like with buds, the leaves are more likely to turn color when the plants are getting cool night temperatures in the late flowering stage.

The leaves most likely to be affected are the top leaves and other leaves getting direct light. With this type of purpling, the leaves in the shade of the plant usually stay green.

For some strains, the leaves may turn purple while the buds stay green

With some cannabis strains, the leaves turn purple, but not the buds

The leaves of this plant turned purple over night after that plant was exposed to chilly night temperatures

Cannabis phosphorus deficiency in flowering caused by cold temps at night - Leaves near buds directly under bright light (or sunlight) get purple splotches and turn yellow around the edges.

The leaves exposed to direct light are most likely to turn purple, while leaves in the shade often stay green

Purple Girl Scout cookies - just the cannabis leaves in the light turned purple

In this case, all the leaves that are exposed to the light have turned purple, including the sugar leaves. However, once the leaves are trimmed off, the buds will be mostly green.

Example of a cannabis plant where all the leaves have turned purple, even though the buds/calyxes themselves have stayed green

Buds may still be purple tinted from leaves that weren’t completely trimmed off

These marijuana buds are deep purple without orange pistils

If there’s a lot of purple leaves, there may be a lot of color left even after trimming

Vadar x Granddaddy Purple cannabis nug - DARK purple!



Case Study – Super Purple Haze plant

The top leaves of this Super Purple Haze plant have turned a vibrant purple

Super Purple Haze Buds - leaves are bright purple, though buds are still mostly green

Here’s the buds from that Super Purple Haze plant drying – you can see that the parts of the buds that were exposed to the light have strong hints of purple

These drying Super Purple Haze buds are partly purple

A closer look at those buds so you can better see how much bud is purple and how much is green after being trimmed and dried (click for close-up!)

A closer look at those cannabis buds after being trimmed and dried



This cannabis plant has grown vibrant red and purple leaves

This cannabis plant has grown vibrant red and purple leaves

This outdoor cannabis plant has turned purple everywhere it received direct sunlight. Splendid!

Purple leaves on outdoor cannabis plant

Cannabis sometimes has neat mutations, like this two-tone plant where only half the leaves turned purple!

Two tone cannabis leaves - purple and green

These Swiss Cheese plants by Nirvana exploded with red, pink and purple leaves when it got cool at night right near harvest time, but the buds themselves did not change color. Unfortunately, when just the leaves turn color, the buds themselves will often look mostly green once they’re trimmed. But this beautiful picture lives forever!

Colorful Swiss Cheese cannabis plant with red, purple and pink leaves

Bright purple stems may be a sign of a phosphorus deficiency, but this “symptom” is sometimes actually caused by genetics, just like purple leaves, pistils or buds!

These are healthy purple stems caused by this cannabis plant's genetics

Blue Dream (rare deep purple phenotype)

Blue Dream buds usually don’t turn this deep purple, so if you want to see buds like this you’re better off with a strain that’s bred to always grow dark purple buds. However, the pictures were so beautiful I just had to share!

Insane purple cola on this Blue Dream cannabis plant

This Blue Dream plant has a rare phenotype that causes all the buds to turn bright purple

A closeup of a purple cannabis calyx

Example of a purple cannabis calyx



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